Norwich driveways set to earn house owners a second income. This inovative idea has just been the thumbs-up by the communities secretary Eric Pickles. With over 100,000 driveways throughtout Norfolk that could be used in this new money making scheme.
Norwich City Council have come out stating that they didn’t see any wrong doing and unlike many local councils; are not asking for planning application fees of up to £385 for renting out your driveway.

Norwich Driveways set to earn local residents over £6m per month in additional income
You can read a full statement from local councils on the EDP website here www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/parking_profits_as_norwich_families_rent_out_their_driveways_1_2332172
The majority of driveways in Norwich that are available are advertised on parkatmyhouse.com. With an estimated 104,000 driveways in Norfolk alone, it could potentially generate £6.7m per month in additional income stated the website bosses.
So what really are the rules to renting out your driveway?
If you have a private driveway and not a parking permit in a terraced street, then you can quite happily rent out your Norwich driveway.
Homeowners looking to transform their garden space into a car park would require planning permission. Once you have applied for; and recieved planning permission, you will need somebody to help create your Norwich driveway.
So how can Simons Landscaping help you? With years of experience at landscaping and driveway construction, we can advise you on the most cost effective method to turn your garden into a cash making driveway. We have a number of different types of surfacing ranging from asphalt to brickweave and can lay your new driveway with a minimum amount of disruption.
If you would like to know more about our driveway surfacing service, then visit our Norwich driveways page or get in touch on 01508 470674