New Build Sleeper Space!
Our client on this landscaping project had recently moved into their new build house and required our expertise to help transform their space. The garden area was very basic, unlevel and only had two small patio areas – this is typical of a new build development. Working with our client we created a plan and a design of how they wanted their landscaped area to look.
- Creating the landscaping zones – Norwich, Norfolk
- Preparing the softwood sleepers – Norwich, Norfolk
- Finishing prep on sleeper beds – Norwich, Norfolk
- Creating the garden levels – Norwich, Norfolk
- Preparing the seating sleeper area – Norwich, Norfolk
To start of the landscaping works our team created the layout for the garden area and sleeper beds. These were constructed and moved into position, this shows of the outline for the garden area and allows our team to start the foundation of creating the two levelled garden. The sleeper beds were constructed from softwood sleepers and are ideal for this size of works. Working with our client they wanted to incorporate a seating area in one of the sleeper bed areas.
- All soils imported to create levels and fill sleeper beds – Norwich, Norfolk
- Tired garden areas – Norwich, Norfolk
- Patio extension and Pergola install – Norwich, Norfolk
Once all sleeper beds have been constructed and moved into position, our team got to work on importing the top quality screened topsoil. The old soils and turf were removed from site and fresh soils were imported first into the sleeper bed areas to complete these and then onto each of the lawn areas. This created level lawn areas for both tires for our client and helps to create a new dynamic for the garden. Moving onto more of the hard landscapes our team extended the existing patio for our client, giving them a larger space to enjoy in the garden. The final finishing touch was to install the new pergola over the main patio area.
- Completed landscaping works – Norwich, Norfolk
- Finished sleeper beds incorporating seating – Norwich, Norfolk
- Freshly laid lawn turf onto garden areas – Norwich, Norfolk
- Completed landscape renovation – Norwich, Norfolk
Overall this is a job well done for the Simons Landscaping team and a great landscaping update for our client, giving them a modern looking garden area with multifunctional spaces. If you would like to know more about our landscaping services, then please email the office at [email protected] or call us on 01508 470 674.