Rent my driveway, earn me cash
29th August 2013
Norwich driveways set to earn house owners a second income. This inovative idea has just been the thumbs-up by the communities secretary Eric Pickles. With over 100,000 driveways throughtout Norfolk that could be used in this new money making scheme. Norwich City Council have come out stating that they didn’t see any wrong doing and

Lakes and Ponds | What better way to enhance your garden?
21st August 2013
Adding a hard-landscaped water feature to your garden can bring many benefits, from attracting wildlife to creating an attractive focal point. At Simons Landscaping we carefully consider each lake and pond commission we’re given, so every design fulfils the customer’s needs exactly, whilst adhering to site scale and proportion. That means the finished construction will always sit comfortably in its surroundings.

Weather too hot for you?
23rd July 2013
If the answer is yes, you may not be alone. With the heatwave set to continue for a while yet have you thought about your garden? Can it survive this hot dry weather for much longer without a concerted effort on your part to give it some help and support?
Have you been inspired by Chelsea and Hampton Court Flower Shows?
12th July 2013
Have you been inspired by Chelsea and Hampton Court Flower Shows? With summer well and truly here and colourful flower shows on the TV, have you been inspired to get out into your garden and take stock?

How to rejuvenate a tired garden
26th June 2013
Garden looking tired? Before investing in plants and shrubs and all things flowering, why not stand back and survey your garden first? It may be that you’re looking in the wrong place for an answer to why it’s looking so tired.

Now is the time to think about your Garden Fencing
14th June 2013
With spring now well advanced in your garden – now is the time to think about your Garden Fencing. Is it in good order or does it require some attention? If it requires attention, you may want to consider replacing it with brand new fencing that with look good and last years.
Driveways in Norfolk and Suffolk
15th May 2013
If you’re looking for a driveway surfacing or resurfacing contractor in the Norfolk and Suffolk area how can you be sure that the contractor you choose is reliable and will deliver what has been promised?
Landscaping Services | Garden Fencing.
1st February 2013
A new fence will enhance your property and define your boundaries. Whether you’re a keen gardener or just a garden maintainer, all your efforts can be lost without the additional support of a good quality fence to frame those efforts perfectly. A garden can literally be transformed by the professional installation of a wooden fence,
Landscaping Services | Driveways & Surfacing.
Now is the time to think about improving your driveway. With summer just around the corner, now is the time to think about improving your driveway. A professionally laid driveway will stand the test of time and add value to your home. Simon’s Landscaping can take care of the whole process for you for total